Saturday, November 7, 2009

About Kurukulla Thangka-Red Tara

The Goddess Kurukulla is invoked for the controlling activities of subjugating, magnetizing, and attracting. She is extremely seductive: her red color and subjugating flower-attributes emphasize her more mundane activity of enchanting men and women, ministers and kings, through the bewitching power of sexual desire and love Kurukulla appears to have become popular originally, and she remains so even among the Tibetans today, because of her association with the magical function of enchantment (dbang gi 'phrin-las) or the bewitching of people in order to bring them under one's power (dbang du bsdud).
More than any other figure in the Buddhist pantheon, Kurukulla becomes the Buddhist goddess of love and sex, corresponding to the Western goddesses Aphrodite and Venus. Red Magic or Vashya-karma (dbang gi phrin-las) has the function of bringing people under one's power, of enchanting, bewitching, attracting, subjugating, magnetizing them. she may be called upon to exercise her powers of enchantment and bewitchment to bring under her power (dbang du bsdud) those evil spirits, demons, and humans who work against the welfare of humanity and its spiritual evolution. However, in terms of practical magic, she can bring under the practitioner's power a personal enemy, a boss, a politician, a policeman, or a recalcitrant lover, male or female. In Tibet, Kurukulla was also called upon when commencing the building of a new monastery, when undertaking a new business or enterprise, when going into court in order to win a law case, and other such activities, because she can subdue and subjugate the demonic and the human forces that stand in ones way. She, together with Manjushri and Sarasvati, might even be called upon when a student faces a difficult examination in school.

Wholesale Thangka Paintings

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